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Sinister Sites – Rockefeller Center
Feb 21st, 2009 | By Vigilant | Category: Sinister Sites “How can the site of the most famous skating rink in the world be considered sinister? You know the one that’s in all romantic comedies…the best first date activity ever!? And what about that huge Christmas tree that we see in ALL holiday movies? That’s not sinister, that’s magical!”.
If that’s what you’re thinking right now, you should probably press pause on your “You’ve Got Mail” Deluxe Edition DVD and read on. If you’re not surprised that a center called “Rockefeller” contains tons of occult and even luciferian symbolism, as well as references to a New World Order, then you should also read on because I will reinforce what you’re already thinking, and everybody likes that.
This complex of 19 commercial buildings is situated between Fifth and Seventh avenues in New York City and is famous for its
The Devil—
Lucifer —is a force for good (where I define ‘good’ simply as that which I value, not wanting to imply any universal validity or necessity to the orientation). ‘Lucifer’ means ‘light-bringer’ and this should begin to clue us in to his symbolic importance. The story is that God threw Lucifer out of Heaven because Lucifer had started to question God and was spreading dissension among the angels. We must remember that this story is told from the point of view of the Godists (if I may coin a term) and not from that of the Luciferians (I will use this term to distinguish us from the official Satanists with whom I have fundamental differences). The truth may just as easily be that Lucifer resigned from heaven.
-Max More
Modern Luciferianism takes its roots from Gnostic teachings as well as ancient Egyptian and Babylonian paganism. God of the material world is seen as a stubborn and sadistic figure who seeks to keep mankind into perpetual darkness while Lucifer is the savior of humanity by giving it the gift of knowledge. If we reinterpret the Adam and Eve story through Luciferian glasses, the serpent is actually the “undercover savior” who defied God and gave
“Luciferianism represents a radical revaluation of humanity’s ageless adversary: Satan. It is the ultimate inversion of good and evil. The formula for this inversion is reflected by the narrative paradigm of the Gnostic Hypostasis myth. As opposed to the original Biblical version, the Gnostic account represents a “revaluation of the Hebraic story of the first man’s temptation, the desire of mere men to ‘be as gods’ by partaking of the tree of the ‘knowledge of good and evil’”
-Raschke 26
Luciferians seek during their lifetime to reach a higher level of being by obtaining illumination (often represented by a torch). An illuminated person or (illuminatus) has gained enough mystic knowledge and spiritual attainment to reach a god-like status. Ancient Mystery religion promise the
“opportunity to erase the curse of mortality by direct encounter with the patron deity, or in many instances by actually undergoing an apotheosis, a transfiguration of human into divine“.
-Raschke 26
Luciferians do not necessarily worship “the Devil” as a metaphysical entity. Lucifer symbolizes the cognitive powers of man, its potential to reach godliness by its own means. Luciferians believe that those attributes will eventually dethrone God and bring humans to their rightful place, as deities. This doctrine is fully embodied by humanism and its technological counterpart transhumanism. Clothed in an acceptable phrasing inside a judeo-christian context (”humanist” sounds less threatening and evil than “luciferian”), these philosophies are now part of popular culture. Through technological advancements and scientific breakthrough, extremely wealthy figures like Ray Kurzweil are publicly seeking to reach technological immortality. Transhumanist intellectual Max More has stated in his essay:
God, being the well-documented sadist that he is, no doubt wanted to keep Lucifer around so that he could punish him and try to get him back under his (God’s) power. Probably what really happened was that Lucifer came to hate God’s kingdom, his sadism, his demand for slavish conformity and obedience, his psychotic rage at any display of independent thinking and behavior. Lucifer realized that he could never fully think for himself and could certainly not act on his independent thinking so long as he was under God’s control. Therefore he left Heaven, that terrible spiritual-State ruled by the cosmic sadist Jehovah, and was accompanied by some of the angels who had had enough courage to question God’s authority and his value-perspective.
Lucifer is the embodiment of reason, of intelligence, of critical thought. He stands against the dogma of God and all other dogmas. He stands for the exploration of new ideas and new perspectives in the pursuit of truth.
-Max More
So, what does all of this have to do with the Rockefeller Center? The sculptures, the bas reliefs and the murals all refer the same theme: the triumph of Man over God through the acquisition of knowledge.
Prometheus Fountain
This statue depicts Prometheus, a Titan of Greek mythology known for his great intelligence. He has however betrayed the god Zeus by stealing fire and giving it to mankind. He therefore credited to have taught mankind the arts of civilization such as writing, mathematics, agriculture, medicine, and science. Zeus then
Prometheus [the name means Forethought] was a not a fool, but why else would he rebel against Zeus? He tried to trick Zeus (who knows all and sees all) with a false sacrifice. How foolish can you get? Prometheus also stole fire from Zeus and gave it to the primitive mortals on the earth. Zeus did not punish Prometheus alone, he punished the entire world for the effrontery of this rebel god.
The Judeo-Christian equivalent of this myth is Lucifer, who has brought the gift of consciousness to humanity, as the serpent in Adam and Eve.
Prometheus | Lucifer |
Blessed with great intelligence | Blessed with great intelligence |
Saw great potential in mankind | Saw great potential in Adam and Eve |
Defied Zeus’ authority | Defied God’s authority |
Called the “Fire Bringer” | Called the “Light Bringer” |
Severly punished by Zeus (tied up and had liver eaten by eagle daily) | Severly punished by God (expelled from the Heavens) |
Humanity suffered the wrath of Zeus | Humanity suffered the wrath of God |
Prometheus is the Hellenic equivalent of the Judeo-Christian Lucifer and is often used as the symbol of enlightenment.
Some classically-educated Free Masons and those inspired by their work used “luciferian” in the scholarly sense of “bringing enlightenment”, invoking Prometheus who stole fire from the gods to bring to man. Polemicists linked such Masonic usage with sects worshiping Lucifer, which have had persistent groups of followers since the Middle Ages.
Paul Manship’s sculpture featured in the Sunken Plaza of the Rockefeller Center portays Prometheus holding the fire stolen from Zeus and gliding towards humanity. He lies inside a ring in which are outlined the signs of the Zodiac. Behind the statue is an inscription saying:
“Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends.”
“Mighty ends” means reaching enlightenment and acheiving godliness. This artwork basically sums up the Luciferian doctrine and acts as the central figure around which the Rockefeller Center’s art program revolves around.
Prometheus’ Creations
Flanking the statue of Prometheus are Youth and Maiden. These are the first humans created by from Prometheus out of clay.
This is the setting: Prometheus (aka the Hellenic Lucifer) is located at the center of the Sunken Plaza and is flanked by his creation, mankind. In other words, we are Prometheus’ sons and daughters.
Urizen or the Demiurge
On top of the entrance of the GE Building is this impressive Art Deco frieze. It depicts a bearded man holding a huge compass and a quote from the Book of Isaiah. This is a direct reference to William Blake’s “Urizen” engravement, where God is a bearded man holding a compass.
This image is featured in Blake’s “Book of Urizen”, released in 1794. This obscure English author is known for his rich mythology, cryptic poems and prophetic imagery. This particular piece represents Urizen, the god of the material world. His traits are almost identical of the Gnostic god called “demiurge”, an inferior creator deity, who built a flawed world which imprisons man into the material realm. The Book of Urizen reflects the basic tenants of luciferianism, where the Good versus Evil struggle as described and Judeo-Christian philosophies are inverted.
“Blake’s work is thus an unprecedented and confounding critique of the very cornerstones of Judeo-Christian civilization: the Word and the Law. Evil is traditionally represented as a turning away from the one or the other – from Satan’s non servatim to the eating of the “forbidden fruit”, but here the Word and the Law are literally presented as manacles closing away the boundless possibility of the universe to the dull prison of the senses and the holy books. Science and religion cease to be opposing forces in Blake’s understanding, instead becoming obstacles to true knowledge – one by binding sight in the laws of the material universe, the other by binding thought in the words of the holy books. In this sense, the only possible “Good” as far as Blake is concerned, is the rebellion of sight – growing to see multiple possibilities through ecstatic vision. For Blake this probably meant mystical and artistic gnosis, but intellectually it can be applied to all kinds of pluralist, multilateral thinking, if not to literal “mind-expansion”.
-Daniil Leiderman
The Gnostic god featured at the entrance of GE building holds a huge compass which is used as a tool of creation. We find here a not-so-subtle reference to Freemasonry, where the compass is used by the “Great Architect” to shape the physical world.
Under Urizen we find the quote from the Book of Isaiah:
Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times“.
- Book of Isaiah 33:6
The book of Isaiah as a whole contains prophecies of future times, predicting the fall and punishment of Babylon (both ancient and future “Babylon the Great”). The quoted verse describes what will sustain people in these prophesied times of great tribulations: knowledge and wisdom. Isaiah’s cryptic text describes a time where “nobody in Jerusalem shall be ill”, seemingly referring to times where science and technology would be advanced enough to cure man’s sickness. In this context, the “great tribulations” refer to the coming of a New World Order, where all countries would be united under a single world government, an admitted goal of the Rockefeller family.
Swords into Plowshares
He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take upsword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.
-Isaiah 2:4
Again, this is a subtle yet very direct allusion to a New World order. The verse describes a whole with one court for all nations, one government for all nations and the coming of an era of world peace. The image of swords being beaten into plowshares is also prominently shown on one of the New World Order murals of the Denver International Aiport. Members of the Rockefeller family have always been actors working towards a one world government and it is not surprising to find references to this plan etched on their buildings. David Rockeller stated in his memoirs
“For more than century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family from the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world if you will. It that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it”.
-Memoirs, David Rockefeller p.405
Question is: were they already aware of a plan for a New World Order in the 1930’s, when the Plaza was built? Answer: Yes, yes they were. The idea isn’t new at all.
Guess why
This sculpture can be described as a luciferian equivalent of
The sculpture has caused its fair share of controversy. First, the nude and pagan statue was placed right in front of St.Patrick’s Church, which wasn’t well accepted at the times. Second, from behind, the statue looks like crucified Jesus Christ.
Finally, Lee Lawrie has been accused of modeling Atlas face after Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who was in power at the time.
The same way Atlas defied Zeus in Mythology, the sculpture defies Christianity and even democracy in New York city.
Other Stuff
The Rockefeller Center is full of impressive bas-reliefs, murals and sculptures, with plenty of symbolism and imagery. If you go visit the place, you will probably see many other details I’ve missed (feel free to send them to me). It is impossible to review in depth everything on display but I will leave you with some interesting pieces you can investigate yourself. Notice the Babylonian/Egyptian influence, the omnipresence of the torch of illumination and the occult symbols scattered throughout the site.
Mural representing thought as a godly figure sending its gift to man and the fate of the ignorant:
Under the wings of the torch of Illumination:
Columbia holding a cup of Divine knowledge:
These spiders have appeared in numerous sites across the world. They supposedly represent motherhood. I think they represent the dark forces preying over the masses. Take your pick.
To Conclude
The collection of artworks on display at the Rockefeller Center communicate a cohesive message that can be deciphered by analyzing the cultural and mystical references behind the symbols. The art program as a whole applauds an emancipation from the inferior god, celebrates the mythological figures who have been defiant of god’s rule and glorifies Man’s quest to achieve godliness. Mankind’s progress in arts and science considered to have been acheived DESPITE God, making the Rockefeller Centre a virtual temple of worship for the Luciferian doctrine.
Luciferianism constitutes the nucleus of the ruling class religion. It accounts for the longevity of many of the oligarch’s plans, i.e. the New World Order. This plan has been discussed for centuries now (documents prove it) and many political decisions are made to lead towards it. Luciferianism provides the world elite the religious legitimacy to carry out plans that would otherwise be morally questionable or simply condemnable. The elite however believe that divine knowledge can only be acquired by deserving people while the rest of the population must stay in a state of mindless stupor. That is probably why the unsuspecting masses come every year to celebrate Christmas in this Luciferian temple without even realizing it. While the Rockefeller Center celebrates man’s triumph over God’s tyranny, it also celebrates the Illuminati’s tyranny over the ignorant man.
1 commentaires:
Excelente post.
Vergo-me totalmente à sabedoria nele contida.
Oxalá toda a gente consiga compreender aquilo que nele está contido.
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