Biggest Newspaper In Holland Says Dutch Intelligence Helped Prepare Imminent Attack On Iran
De Telegraaf front page says sources inside AVID helped CIA map air attack
Steve Watson
The biggest Newspaper in the Netherlands today devotes its front page to news that the Dutch intelligence agency has helped the CIA prepare for an air attack on Iran which it now believes is imminent. AVID, Holland’s military intelligence service, has pulled back from operations it was carrying out inside Iran as it believes an American led attack will go ahead within weeks according to De Telegraaf’s sources. The headline reads: “AIVD is calling back spy because of US plans
ATTACK ON IRAN IMMINENT” De Telegraaf reports that the decision has already been made by the U.S.
to attack Iran using unmanned aircraft. Potential targets are said to be nuclear facilities and military installations. The latter have been mapped by the CIA with the help of the Dutch secret service.
ATTACK ON IRAN IMMINENT” De Telegraaf reports that the decision has already been made by the U.S.
to attack Iran using unmanned aircraft. Potential targets are said to be nuclear facilities and military installations. The latter have been mapped by the CIA with the help of the Dutch secret service.
Nota: Conscientemente preparemo-nos para assistirmos e sermos partes integrantes de mais uma Guerra, a Guerra contra o Irão decidida pelas altas esferas do Clube de Bilderberg, e da Administração dos Estados Unidos com a conivência da União Europeia que mais não faz do que concordar com as ordens do Clube de Bilderberg - não fossem esses dirigentes pertencentes a essa Ordem secreta ou quase semi-secreta. Para estes Senhores do Mundo o Planeta Terra não pode viver em Paz, só em Guerras. Dêem uma oportunidade à Paz.
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